Tips To Improve Your Financial Wellness
Before you improve your financial wellness, let’s take a moment to understand what this increasinlgy popular term actually means. In a nutshell, your “financial wellness” is the process where you learn how to successfully manage your day-to-day finances to improve your financial well-being and your financial security. It’s not an easy process but it’s an important journey that all of us should take to become more financially fit – and more financially comfortable.
- So why is “financial fitness” so important to me: We all realize that money management or money woes consistently rate as one of the greatest areas of stress for most Americans. In fact, we’ve all felt this stress at some point in our lives – some more than others and that’s a problem.
- That’s why achieving better financial wellness is essential to our overall well-being. And remember, this isn’t an overnight journey or overnight success. It takes time, patience, and the discipline to “get financially well.”
- What can you do to get on the road to financial wellness? Start by examing your resources, from your take-home pay, to your savings, expenses, and essential necessitties. There are many social-service agencies that offer financial wellness type courses or seminars and there are many online resources, like personal-finance websites, that can also help.
- Even your local library has resources available to learn how to be more financially fit with your life. In addition, credit unions are here to provide for your banking needs and can offer you valuable insight – in addition to products and services – that will help get you started toward your “financial fitness” in life. It may not be a road well-traveled by you yet, but once you start the journey, you’ll appreciate where it leads you!
Please note: This information is designed to offer a general understanding of common financial terms and practices and should not be considered financial advice from Charter Oak Federal Credit Union. Every individual has different financial needs and goals, which should be discussed with a financial professional.